Newfoundland & Labrador Indigenous Tourism Association

Indigenous storytelling

Indigenous Lead

The Newfoundland & Labrador Indigenous Tourism Association, or NLITA, is an Indigenous-led group of dedicated people passionate about the Indigenous tourism potential in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Our goal is simple: to grow Indigenous tourism across the province. To this end, we work to conserve and promote Indigenous culture, knowledge and places in Newfoundland and Labrador through leadership and support for community-led, grassroots tourism.

Are you an Indigenous tourism provider in Newfoundland and Labrador? Join NLITA today.

Become a Member
Powwow Newfoundland

Why NLITA was created?

Newfoundland and Labrador is the ancestral home of distinct Indigenous cultures, each with its own unique history, language, beliefs, and traditions. These cultural pillars have been built upon over countless generations and continue to be strengthened by those who actively practice, share, and conserve this invaluable Indigenous knowledge. Indigenous tourism is a means for strengthening Indigenous cultures, promoting understanding and appreciation of Indigenous worldviews, and as an avenue for reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

Though each community and culture is unique, there is a common bond that ties them all together; a bond borne of centuries of adaptation and spiritual connection to the land leading to proficiency with and respect for the resources it provides. This and other Indigenous knowledge can be celebrated and woven into the fabric of Indigenous tourism for the betterment of all Indigenous peoples in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Interest in Indigenous tourism in Newfoundland and Labrador has grown substantially, which points to the need for a coordinated approach to product development and marketing.

NLITA works closely with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada, as well as Indigenous Government Organizations, Indigenous Businesses and tourism partners, the Provincial Government and other Destination Marketing Organizations to best represent and promote the wide variety of Indigenous tourism experiences available in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Speak to one of our representatives today to find out how you can become a member.

Caribou are an important part of life for the Innu

Our strategic focus

Based on the findings of our working group along with engagements with industry, partners and Indigenous communities, we have identified nine strategic directions to keep us on course:

  1. Grassroots tourism support
  2. Cultural conservation
  3. Indigenous inclusion
  4. Governance and leadership
  5. Marketing and branding
  6. Product development
  7. Partnership development
  8. Education and awareness
  9. Capacity building and training

NLITA provides a platform for opportunities for community-level stakeholders to influence how Indigenous tourism is developed and recognized in Newfoundland and Labrador, ensuring outcomes are based on Indigenous values while preserving traditional knowledge and culture.

NLITA Board of Directors

Colleen Lambert


NLITA Newfoundland Indigenous Tourism Event Seat

Gordie Rendell

Gordon Rendell

NLITA Vice Chair

NLITA Labrador Indigenous Guide Seat

Niki Greeley

Niki Greeley

NLITA Secretary

NLITA Labrador Indigenous Visual & Performing Arts Seat


Susan Quann

NLITA Treasurer

NLITA Newfoundland Indigenous Visual & Performing Arts Seat

Daphne March

Daphne March

NLITA Newfoundland Indigenous Guide Seat

Carol Burden

NLITA Labrador Indigenous Owned Accommodation Seat

Lindsey Swift

NLITA Newfoundland Indigenous Cultural Space Seat

Leander Baikie

NLITA Labrador Indigenous Culinary Seat

Lauralee Ledrew

NLITA Newfoundland Indigenous Owned Accommodation Seat

Amanda Oake

NLITA Newfoundland Indigenous Culinary Seat


NLITA Labrador Indigenous Tourism Event Seat


NLITA Labrador Indigenous Cultural Space Seat


Caroline Swan

Executive Director

Rob Thomas

Experience Coordinator

Barbara Young

Marketing Coordinator

Desirea Goodyear

Communication Coordinator

Charlene Gear

Book Keeper